Why do I read so many rugby union autobiography books?

Rugby, in itself, is not the deciding factor on why I read so many rugby union books and, in particular, my preference for rugby union autobiography books.

It is the drama to the end

Rather, it is the spirit of striving, of persevering, of courage and of achievement — traits that keep cropping up across all other sports and, more importantly, in all facets of life — that turns me into a voracious reader of sports autobiographies.

I could have read about these traits in other areas and other sports. And I have.  Many times.

But rugby union is a game that I have played, reported on, and have traversed continents just ‘to be there’ to witness first hand a historical moment.

So choosing rugby union as my niche for a blog is a fate that I cannot be released from.


I do not expect others to be interested in my niche as much as I do. To even like it. In fact, I expect many to dislike it. As with any subject-matter, it can be a bore if it is not your interest.

And whatever your inclinations towards my passion, I am comfortable with it.


But whatever your interests, whatever my interests, our passions are our social icebreakers. They can be the bridges that aligns your perspective with mine. They can be the attraction that draws us to becoming brothers.

And I welcome all comments that asserts your leanings. We can have a ripping discussion on the pros and cons of our interests. You would be surprised by how many similarities rugby union has with knitting, for example. Or chess. Or paintball. Or wine growing. Or fishing.

That is why the average rugby union player engages in a few other games and hobbies as well.


Just don’t be banal.

I am prepared for you to disagree with my views. And I encourage you to broaden my horizons and outline for me your reasonings.

And I ask you to accord me the same intellectual courtesy.

Our varying perceptions makes for a richer world.


In short, rugby union biographies expand my horizons. And with the multitude that I have read, I am prompted to share my Top 10 all time favourite rugby union biographies with fellow readers.

But there are some which I regrettably have read that I resent the reading hours wasted. I am compelled to write my Top 10 “should never have been published” rugby biographies. Because they offered me no insight, no opinion of their own. Nothing. These were just a waste of the trees killed for their publication.

Fortunately, these are few and far between. Otherwise, I would never have had a hobby to sustain me; and a blog niche to call my own.  So I invite you to browse through the titles I cite.  And encourage you to share your thoughts if any pique your interest.  Especially if you disagree with my perspective!


  1. Been there, done that. But still doing it. Best way of knowing much more about the game and what it all means.

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